\documentclass{article} \usepackage{lipsum} % Dummytext \usepackage{xargs} % Use more than one optional parameter in a new commands \usepackage[pdftex,dvipsnames]{xcolor} % Coloured text etc. % \usepackage[colorinlistoftodos,prependcaption,textsize=tiny]{todonotes} \newcommandx{\unsure}[2][1=]{\todo[linecolor=red,backgroundcolor=red!25,bordercolor=red,#1]{#2}} \newcommandx{\change}[2][1=]{\todo[linecolor=blue,backgroundcolor=blue!25,bordercolor=blue,#1]{#2}} \newcommandx{\info}[2][1=]{\todo[linecolor=OliveGreen,backgroundcolor=OliveGreen!25,bordercolor=OliveGreen,#1]{#2}} \newcommandx{\improvement}[2][1=]{\todo[linecolor=Plum,backgroundcolor=Plum!25,bordercolor=Plum,#1]{#2}} \newcommandx{\thiswillnotshow}[2][1=]{\todo[disable,#1]{#2}} % \begin{document} \pagestyle{empty} \listoftodos[Notes] \todo[inline]{The original todo note withouth changed colours.\newline Here's another line.} \lipsum[11]\unsure{Is this correct?}\unsure{I'm unsure about also!} \lipsum[11]\change{Change this!} \lipsum[11]\info{This can help me in chapter seven!} \lipsum[11]\improvement{This really needs to be improved!\newline\newline What was I thinking?!} \lipsum[11] \thiswillnotshow{This is hidden since option `disable' is chosen!} \improvement[inline]{The following section needs to be rewritten!} \lipsum[11] \end{document}
方案二,可以使用cooltooltips 来实现,代码如下:
\documentclass{article} \usepackage{cooltooltips} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{color} \usepackage{hyperref} \def\cool{\texttt{cool}} \begin{document} The \cool\ package enables a document to contain hyperlinks that pop up a brief tooltip when the mouse moves over them and also open a small window containing additional text. \cool\ works only with pdf\LaTeX\@. Furthermore, the tooltips that \cool\ produces are much less cool when viewed under older versions of Acrobat~($<7.0$) or the current version of xpdf~(3.00) because they don't pop up the extra, small window. \cooltooltip[0 0 1]{Example}{This is an example of a cool tooltip. Pretty cool, eh?}{http://www.ctan.org/}{Visit CTAN on the Web}{This text\strut} % is an example of a cool tooltip (assuming you're viewing this document with a sufficiently capable \textsc{pdf} reader). Move your mouse pointer over it and watch what happens. Then, click on the link. If your \textsc{pdf} reader is properly configured it should launch a Web browser and send it to the \textsc{ctan} home page. \end{document}
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