设置方法一:在列表环境里进行设置,这样每次使用列表时自己随时设置,比较随意些: 效果图: 演示代码如下: 设置方法二:方法一有一个缺陷就是你要随时设置比较麻烦,下面的方法较为简单,可以进行统一的设置。简单方便: 效果图: 实验代码: 另外还可以如下设置: 效果图:\documentclass{article}
\item Text of the first item in the list.
\item Text of the first sentence in the second
item of the list. And the second sentence.
\begin{enumerate} \setlength{\itemsep}{0pt}
\item item of the list.
\item item of the list.
\item item of the list.
\ifnum \@enumdepth >\thr@@\@toodeep\else
\csname label\@enumctr\endcsname
%\addtolength{\rightmargin}{20pt} %%%%
\addtolength{\listparindent}{10pt} %%%%
\addtolength{\itemsep}{-18pt} %%%%
\addtolength{\topsep}{-20pt}} %%%%
\item item of the list.
\item item of the list.
\item item of the list.
\usepackage{atbeginend} % 可选宏包, 能解决许多问题,
%比如itemize, enumerate环境\item之间的控制
\item item of the list.
\item item of the list.
\item item of the list.
\item item of the list.
\item item of the list.
\item item of the list.
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