\usepackage{lipsum} % for testing purpose only
\usepackage{hyphenat} % I use it to prevent hyphenation of table of contents items
%%% Do not include titletoc here - do it at the end
%%% colors definitions
\definecolor{MainRed}{rgb}{.6, .1, .1}
\definecolor{GoldDecoration}{RGB}{170, 120, 70}
% Colored section, subsections, as well as
% chapter and section name in the head - included for completeness
%% RedBox style -- adapted from BlueBox style, pp:43-44
% http://mirror.csclub.uwaterloo.ca/CTAN/info/latex-samples/MemoirChapStyles/MemoirChapStyles.pdf
% with modifications from
% http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/49864/automatically-adjusting-size-of-a-box-based-on-other-content
% and others modifications of my own
\leavevmode\leaders\hrule height 3\p@ \hfill \kern \z@}
\makebox[0pt][c]{#1\strut} \\[.5ex]
%\printcontents[chapters]{}{1}{}% Useless?
%%%%%% use the newly defined style
%%% Pretty ToC
%%%%% adapted from http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/35825/pretty-table-of-contents/35835
% a modification of the leftbar environment defined by the framed package
% will be used to place a vertical colored bar separating the page number and the
% title in chapter entries
\def\FrameCommand{\textcolor{GoldDecoration}{\vrule width 2pt depth 6pt}\hspace*{15pt}}%
% redefinitions for chapter entries
% redefinitions for section entries
\hskip1em\hbox to \@pnumwidth{{\cftsectionpagefont #1\hfill}}}
% redefinitions for subsection entries
\hskip1em\hbox to \@pnumwidth{{\cftsubsectionpagefont #1\hfill}}}
%%%% End of Pretty ToC
% include after the change above
\chapter{First Chapter}
\section{First section}
\subsection{First subsection}
\section{Second section}
\chapter{Second Chapter}
\section{First section}
\chapter{First Appendix}
\section{First section}
\section{Second section}
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