\documentclass[12pt,ngerman]{scrartcl} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{babel} \usepackage{tasks} \usepackage{exsheets} \begin{document} \settasks{ counter-format = qu.tsk, item-indent = 2em, label-width = 2em, label-offset = 0pt } \begin{question}[type=exam]{4} I have these two tasks for you. Shall we begin? \begin{tasks}(2) \task The first task: easy! \task The second task: even more so! \end{tasks} \end{question} \begin{solution}[print] Now, let's see\ldots\ ah, yes: \begin{tasks} \task This is the first solution. Told you it was easy. \task This is the second solution. And of course you knew that! \end{tasks} \end{solution} \end{document}
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